Ramadan akan menjelma lagi, musim ibadah yang menjanjikan rahmat dan keberkatan kepada orang yang berpuasa. Setiap detiknya mengandungi keampunan dan keberkatan. Kedatangannya dinanti oleh orang yang bertaqwa. Rasulullah SAW biasa berdoa bermaksud, ‘Ya Allah berkati kami dalam Rejab dan Sya’aban dan sampaikan kami Ramadhan.’ (Hadis riwayat at-Tabrani dan Ahmad). Apabila sampai Ramadhan para sahabat saling mengucapkan Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadhan’ bererti selamat datang Ramadhan!
Berpuasa Ramadhan bertujuan menambahkan Taqwa. Taqwa ialah kekuatan dalaman anugerah Allah untuk manusia berhadapan dengan fitnah hidup ini dengan selamat hingga ke akhirat. Kesannya mendalam hingga ke Ramadhan akan datang. Rasulullah telah menjanjikan kita dengan sabdanya, “Solat yang lima. Jumaat hingga Jumaat, dan Ramadhan hingga Ramadhan menghapuskan dosa-dosa yang di antaranya apabila (dengan syarat) dijauhi dosa-dosa besar” (Riwayat Muslim),
Hati dibersihkan dari dosa dan nafsu dapat dijinakkan. Asalnya nafsu berguna untuk mengurus diri dan alam keliling. Dengan nafsu manusia sukakan kebersihan, keindahan. makan minum. dan berkeluarga hingga berkembang biak memenuhi bumi. Namun, nafsu mudah menjadi liar hingga membahayakan diri dan alam. Betapa kecantikan terjebak kepada kelucahan. Urusan makan minum menjadi perebutan harta dan takhta. Kesihatan, kekuatan dan kemudaan sering disalahgunakan hingga tergadai usia muda kerana lupa kepada Allah.
Berlapar penting untuk menjinakkan nafsu. Itu adalah peraturan Allah yang Maha Mengetahui. Apabila berpuasa mengikut sunnah Rasul SAW, hati Muslim menjadi lembut dan takut kepada azab Allah. Muslim lebih teliti dalam tindak tanduknya. Selain berlapar, berpuasa ialah menahan diri daripada perkara yang berdosa, tidak bermoral dan sia-sia. Berpuasa pada perut ialah tidak makan, berpuasa pada Iidah ialah tidak bercakap sia-sia atau mengumpat. Berpuasa telinga ialah tidak mendengar muzik rock dan perbuatan lucah. Berpuasa mata ialah tidak memandang yang berdosa seperti aurat, atau memandang seseorang dengan marah.
Nabi bersabda, “Bukanlah puasa itu semata-mata meninggalkan makan dan minum tetapi puasa ialah meninggalkan perbuatan sia-sia dan cakap kosong. Jika sesiapa dimaki atau diperbodoh oleh seseorang katakanlah;’Saya berpuasa, saya berpuasa”(Riwayat lbnu Khuzaimah dan lbnu Hibban).
Menurut hadith ini, orang yang berpuasa perlu kuat bersabar apabila dalam situasi genting atau bertelingkah. Disebutnya, ‘Saya berpuasa’ beberapa kali untuk mengingatkan diri agar tidak merosakkan pahala puasa. Puasa begitu penting dijadikan latihan mengubah sikap hingga Rasulullah mengingatkan kita, “Sesiapa yang tidak meninggalkan kata-kata dan amalan sia-sia maka Allah tidak memerlukannya meninggalkan makan dan minumnya.” (Riwayat Bukhari).
Puasa Ramadhan menjanjikan perubahan bagi mereka yang mengisi masa dengan kebaikan dan ibadah. Kesemua amalan dibuat dengan penuh ilmu dan faham. Membaca al-Qur’an ialah membaca perintah dan hukum Allah. Tarawih ialah merehatkan hati dengan mendengar bacaan qari mengimami solat tarawih itu. Bertaubat ialah menyesali dosa dan ingin berubah menjadi taat. Beribadah pada Lailatul Qadar membawa keampunan dan kebajikan yang kekal seumpama seribu bulan. Beriktikaf ialah mengasingkan diri di dalam masjid dengan mengimbau kesalahan Iampau untuk membaiki diri dan umat. Zakat fitrah ialah tanda kesyukuran atas nikmat Allah yang melimpah, hingga ingin dikongsi kepada orang yang memerlukan.
Pada akhir Ramadhan, orang yang berpuasa mengikut adabnya akan menjadi orang baru kerana berjaya membuang segala kelemahan diri. Ramadhan di akhiri dengan kesedihan kerana berpisah dengan limpahan rahmat dan keampunan Allah. Alangkah gembiranya jika Ramadhan itu sepanjang tahun. Dari Abi Mas’ud Al-Ghifari r.a, katanya,’Rasulullah SAW bersabda;’Jikalau para hamba itu mengetahui apa dia Ramadhan,nescaya umatku berangan agar setahun itu kesemuanya Ramadhan.’ (Riwayat Ibnu Khuzaimah).
Friday, July 29, 2011
Ahlan Wasahlan,Ya Ramadhan!!
Posted by Amanina/Nina at 3:22 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Happy Teacher's Day to my dearest teachers
Happy Teacher's Day
I love You, my teachers
Posted by Amanina/Nina at 9:18 PM 0 comments
School Holidays
Posted by Amanina/Nina at 9:28 AM 0 comments
Loving Animals Can Help WE Love People Too
What if the saying, "Love makes the world go round" was more true than you think? What if it were so true that everything that occurred, everything that transpired had at some point endeavored to teach about love? We admit that trying to see where love was involved in instances of terror or natural disasters is a stretch, but it is there. And, that is a point for another discussion. The one at hand, though, having to do with animals and with your pets, in particular, points out that lessons of love are there.
Are these beings not important in your life, sometimes more so than the humans around you? With the humans, sometimes, it is difficult to know when the love you express toward them is returned in any discernable measure. With an animal it would appear they are always glad to see you, dogs especially, but cats too, will express their delight that you are home from work or from school. Or interest, in any case. Your animals depend upon you for their food, for their home to be kept safe, for there to be a level of companionship and a commitment for their care. These are not wild animals anymore; these are your domesticated companions. It is unconditional love and attention that you receive from your pets and although they cannot communicate with you as a human being they do let you know when their needs are not being met.
Animals can teach all sorts of "good" qualities. As an example, let us say that you are afraid of taking the plunge. You are afraid of going out on that limb to say to another person, "You intrigue me. I wish to spend more time in your company." Afraid to even take that first step toward companionship with another person, with a dog all you have to do is get out the plastic poopy bag and reach for their leash and you know in a heartbeat that going on a walk will appear to be the most incredible thing to have happened in that dog's life in the last hour. What more can you say? It is gratifying to know that even the simplest thing you do might result in such delight for another being.
What an animal cannot give you are the deeper levels of companionship you would get from a person. What they can give you is the feeling that there is another being that depends upon you, who is interested in you and who likes to be with you.
Posted by Amanina/Nina at 12:07 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 27, 2011
Hi there!!
Posted by Amanina/Nina at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Pre UPSR Answering Techiniques Workshop
Last Saturday, our school organised a Pre UPSR Answering Techniques Workshop. For English, the speaker's name is Encik Nazim while Puan Sharifah is the speaker for Bahasa Malaysia and the speaker's of the Science subject is Encik Mohammad Nasir.
In English, we are focusing in Paper 1 and Paper 2.In paper 1, he said that we have to be careful with the tricky question such as 'a stack of flower and a bouquet of flowers'. He also said that we have to find for the clue word.He asked us to circle the clue word.
In paper 2, he asked us to circle the picture with the correct verb and list out the verb in section A. In section B, he said that we must list out the reason and the factor . In section C, we must use the word given and see the picture carefully.
In Bahasa Malaysia, we are focusing at paper 'Penulisan' and 'Pemahaman'. She said that we have to be careful in answering the question. she also said that we have to find and circle the clue word in every question.
In the paper 'Penulisan', she asked us to circle the picture and list out the verb from the picture given in section A.While in section B, she asked us to list out the point so that we can do the essay easier.In section C, we have to find the good attitude in the essay given and we have to make it bigger and easy to understand
In Science we are focusingin Paper 1 and 2.in paper 1 the speaker just asked us to be careful and don't make silly mistake.In paper 2, the speaker asked us to not say 'the presence of but use tge affect of'.
Posted by Amanina/Nina at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
After doing this folio, I gain so many new knowledge such as tolerance and others.
I also knew how to change the template of the blog. I also learn so many new things
Posted by Amanina/Nina at 6:50 AM 0 comments